Homage to sunsets
>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The late summer to fall season is usually filled with glorious sunsets. Each is a unique fleeting moment that cries out to be captured on film (despite the fact that some of those "unique" moments look very much like others!). The pictures are often a pale comparison to the real thing, but during the past couple of months, I managed a few that I thought were nice. Our sunsets are rather self contained compared to those of say... the Southwest. But... they still satisfy this old moss back. :-)
These first three were taken over a two day period and from the same group as the one used for the header on this blog.Some clouds were starting to move in the next day. I think I'd spent this day working outside and this was the frosting on the cake.
The following are from September-October.
Taken after we returned this past week... the leaves have dropped from the birch trees. Winter can't be too far away.
... and these don't even include the collection of Utah sunset pictures you acquired during your stay. These ones make me miss Washington.
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